Members of Multi-stakeholder Implementation Core Group

By the end of May 2019, there were 34 organizations enrolled to be a member of the Multi-stakeholder Implementation Core Group on VPA/FLEGT. Currently, the Vietnam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST) and Vietnam Timber and Forest Product Association (VIFORES) are Chairman of the Core Group, this role will be changed after 6 months.

Any organization wishing to join the group, please send the registration form to the FLEGT and Lacey Permanent Offices by email:

To Kim Lien
To Kim LienDirector
Center for Education and Development
Nguyen Thi Huong
Nguyen Thi HuongProgram Coordinator
Center for Education and Development
Cao Xuan Thanh
Cao Xuan ThanhChief of the secretariat
Association of Vietnam Timber and Forest Product
Cao Thi Cam
Cao Thi CamProgram officer
Association of Vietnam Timber and Forest Product
Huynh Van Hanh
Huynh Van HanhVice President
Handicraft and Wood Industry Association of Ho Chi Minh City (HAWA)
Bui Huu Them
Bui Huu ThemChief of the secretariat
Handicraft and Wood Industry Association of Ho Chi Minh City (HAWA)
Tran Le Huy
Tran Le HuyVice president - Secretary general
Forest Products Association of Binh Dinh
Nguyen Thi Bich Khoa
Nguyen Thi Bich KhoaSecratary
Forest Products Association of Binh Dinh
Nguyen Hai Son
Nguyen Hai SonChief of the secretariat
Binh Duong Furniture Association
Nguyen Nu Quynh Giao
Nguyen Nu Quynh GiaoPublic relations officer
Binh Duong Furniture Association
Le Cong Luong
Le Cong LuongChief of the secretariat
Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations
Nguyen Thi Thu Giang
Nguyen Thi Thu GiangSpecialist
Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations
Nguyen Dien
Nguyen DienVice president
Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry Danang Branch
Nguen Chau Ha
Nguen Chau HaSpecialist
Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry Danang Branch
Le Khac Coi
Le Khac CoiVice president - Secretary general
Vietnam Forest Association
Ngo Dinh Tho
Ngo Dinh ThoMember of the Executive Committee
Vietnam Forest Association
Dang Viet Quang
Dang Viet QuangSpecialist
Forest Trends
Hoang Xuan Thuy
Hoang Xuan ThuyVice director
People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature)
Nguyen Viet Dung
Nguyen Viet DungVice director
People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature)
Tran Ngoc Tue
Tran Ngoc TueREED+ and FLEGT program manager
Centre for Sustainable Rural Development
Vu Bich Hop
Vu Bich HopDirector
Centre for Sustainable Rural Development
Nguyen Vinh Quang
Nguyen Vinh QuangSpecialist
Forest Products Association of Binh Dinh
Vo Thi Anh Tuyet
Vo Thi Anh TuyetDirector
Truong Quang Hoang
Truong Quang HoangDirector
Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam
Nguyen Van Nam
Nguyen Van NamOfficer
Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam
Nguyen Trung Thong
Nguyen Trung ThongNational Programme Officer
Bruno Cammaert
Bruno CammaertForestry Officer
Dominic Stanculescu
Dominic StanculescuTechnical consultant
GIZ Vietnam
To Thi Thu Huong
To Thi Thu HuongPolicy component manager
GIZ Vietnam
Nguyen Van Linh
Nguyen Van LinhVice director
Dongnai Trade Promotion Center
Nguyen Thanh Ngoc
Nguyen Thanh NgocVice president
Ngo Tri Dung
Ngo Tri DungDirector
Nguyen Huu Le
Nguyen Huu LeSecratary
Thua Thien Hue Forestry Club
By |2020-02-24T10:49:22+00:00February 24th, 2020|ABOUT, Members|0 Comments